“The ‘rheumatiz’ would get all the money …” (Elinore Rupert, Part 5)

image credit: homesteader.org

August 15, 1910.

Dear Mrs. Coney,—

… Grandma Edmonson’s birthday is the 30th of May, and Mrs. O’Shaughnessy suggested that we give her a party. I had never seen Grandma, but because of something that happened in her family years ago which a few narrow-heads whom it didn’t concern in the least cannot forgive or forget, I had heard much of her. The family consists of Grandma, Grandpa, and little Cora Belle, who is the sweetest little bud that ever bloomed upon the twigs of folly …

The Elinore Rupert series continues with a family tragedy, a young girl’s industry, and a sewing bee.

The letters of Elinore Rupert are in the Public Domain.